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8.31.22  |  Infographic

Suicide Prevention: Risk Factors, Red Flags, and How to Get Help

Learn the risk factors that put someone at an increased risk for suicide and red flag behaviors that may indicate someone is dealing with suicidal thoughts. Find out where to get help for you or a loved one who is struggling. Know that asking someone if they are thinking about suicide does not make them more likely to follow through with plans for suicide.

8.31.22  |  Infographic

Workplace Suicide Prevention: How to Make a Plan

We spend a lot of time at work, which means that managers and co-workers may be in a unique position to notice behavior changes or other risk factors for someone who needs emotional support. This infographic shares how employers can organize to foster a workplace environment that supports employee behavioral health

8.26.22  |  Infographic

Youturn Health Helps Patients Stay Engaged in Recovery

Change is a process, not an event. Research shows that if people engage in treatment and recovery, they will get better. Find out how Youturn Health collaborates with treatment centers to help patients stay engaged in recovery.

8.25.22  |  Podcast

Youturn Health Peer Coaches Provide Hope and Support

Youturn Health peer coaches Zach and Lisa discuss how coaching works and also share their stories of success. As lead coaches, this is more than a job to them as they have both walked through grief and loss and tragedy.

8.11.22  |  Infographic

The 5 Stages of Burnout at Work

You don’t get burned out from work on Day 1. It happens after stress becomes a chronic problem. Check out this graphic to learn the 5 Stages of Burnout at Work so you can identify when you, co-workers, or employees are in danger of being burned out.


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