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11.11.22  |  Infographic

5 Tips to Help with Holiday Stress

We deal with stress every day, but at the end of the year, we have the added stress from the holiday season. We can feel busier, more lonely, and more financially strapped during what’s supposed to be a joyful time. Here are 5 steps to help you manage the added stress and anxiety around the holidays.

11.10.22  |  Podcast

Youturn Health Coach Annalynn Brings Love and Hope into a World of Grief

Losing her mother, father and the love of her life within a 2-year period, Annalynn shares how she survived intense grief.

11.9.22  |  Video

Supporting Families Through Recovery

Families are profoundly impacted by a loved one's substance misuse, and all family members deserve professional guidance no matter where they are in the recovery journey. Youturn Health involves the entire family in the recovery journey with resources and coaching designed especially for family members affected by mental health, substance misuse, or suicidal ideation.

11.8.22  |  Infographic

Veteran Mental Health: Where to Get Help

Despite the prevalence of mental health issues, fewer than 50% of veterans who need treatment for mental health receive it. Why? Embarrassment, shame, fear of being seen as weak, long wait times to get help, and lack of understanding of mental health issues.

11.1.22  |  Web Page

Loving Someone With Addiction

As the parent and spouse of people in active addiction, Heidi Woody, explains how unconditional love is not codependency, but a humane action toward a person with a disease. She also encourages family members to take care of themselves.


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