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5.6.22  |  Podcast

Retired Deputy Sheriff Stephen Balzano Describes Life on the Front Lines

Retired Deputy Sheriff Stephen Balzano painstakingly details the day he lost one of his "brothers in blue," and acknowledges the lasting effects of that trauma on many of his friends on the force. Stephen explains how difficult it is for police officers, or any First Responders, to ask for help and says it needs to be a safe place outside of the system where they can get help.

3.15.22  |  Web Page

How to Support Employees Through Grief and Loss – a Guidebook for Employers

Employers and managers need to know what grief and loss look like and how it manifests in each person to understand how to best support employees through the process.

1.27.22  |  Podcast

Hope for Prisoners

Hear how Youturn Health advisory board member Jon Ponder uses his own struggles and experiences with the prison system and substance use disorder to help inmates prepare for all aspects of societal re-entry. Jon is the CEO of Hope For Prisoners, an organization that assists people returning home from prison by providing long-term support and services as they work to reclaim their lives and rejoin their families and their standing in the community. We give them hope. Hope changes lives.

1.20.22  |  Podcast

Under Our Roof

Harry Cunnane understands that by telling his story of opioid use disorder, he is breaking down barriers and crushing stigma. Learn about his book, "Under Our Roof," which shares his journey from both his and his mother's perspectives.

1.12.22  |  Podcast

Veterans suffering with PTS get a helping hand from this Dynamic Duo

Tom Satterly is a retired CSM Delta Force and Jen Satterly was previously embedded in Realistic Training Missions with Special Operations units as Director of Film and Photography. Their mission is to help Veterans returning home but more importantly, they know that helping the family members of returning veterans is a huge piece of the puzzle to recovering from PTS, depression, substance misuse, and more.


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