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7.2.24  |  Infographic

Adult Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Find out what causes adult Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the symptoms, and how and when to get help.

11.8.22  |  Infographic

Veteran Mental Health: Where to Get Help

Despite the prevalence of mental health issues, fewer than 50% of veterans who need treatment for mental health receive it. Why? Embarrassment, shame, fear of being seen as weak, long wait times to get help, and lack of understanding of mental health issues.

10.18.22  |  Case Study

Support and Outreach for Veterans Results in Successful Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder and PTSD

After a long career in the U.S. military and some personal trauma, Andrew was seeking treatment for PTSD and substance misuse. Find out how a Youturn Health peer coach with a similar military and recovery experience formed a trusted bond with Andrew and help him get into long-term recovery.

8.1.22  |  Web Page

Substance Use Disorders in Military Veterans — Problems Associated with Access to Care

In 2019, Youturn Health coach manager Zach was afforded the opportunity to participate in a Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center 28-day inpatient treatment program for co-occurring Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). While this opportunity saved his life, it also opened his eyes to the barriers many military veterans and active-duty servicemen and women have regarding access to behavioral health treatment.

1.12.22  |  Podcast

Veterans suffering with PTS get a helping hand from this Dynamic Duo

Tom Satterly is a retired CSM Delta Force and Jen Satterly was previously embedded in Realistic Training Missions with Special Operations units as Director of Film and Photography. Their mission is to help Veterans returning home but more importantly, they know that helping the family members of returning veterans is a huge piece of the puzzle to recovering from PTS, depression, substance misuse, and more.


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