Suicide Prevention
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5.15.24  |  Web Page

Addressing Behavioral Health and Suicide in Construction

The construction industry has been hit hard by "deaths of despair" - suicide, unintentional overdose, and deaths caused by chronic alcohol misuse - and unfortunately the situation appears to be getting worse.

10.18.22  |  Case Study

Support and Outreach for Veterans Results in Successful Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder and PTSD

After a long career in the U.S. military and some personal trauma, Andrew was seeking treatment for PTSD and substance misuse. Find out how a Youturn Health peer coach with a similar military and recovery experience formed a trusted bond with Andrew and help him get into long-term recovery.

10.13.22  |  Video

Have Hope

Have hope that it will get better. Youturn Health can help with education and support for people and families struggling with mental health, substance misuse, or suicidal ideation.

10.6.22  |  Podcast

Cal Beyer, Rich Jones, and Hamilton Baiden talk prevention, saving lives, and reducing stigma

Beyer joins Rich Jones and Hamilton Baiden discuss the dire need for mental health support for construction workers, debunk myths about having to hit rock bottom, and detail real solutions for mental health and substance use issues.

8.31.22  |  Infographic

Suicide Prevention in Correctional Facilities: What to Watch For

While it’s not the job of Corrections Officers to address inmate mental health, it is unavoidable. Get risk factors, red flags, and stressors unique to a prison environment that may indicate an inmate is considering suicide. Also get next steps to take if you think an inmate is at risk.


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