Stress Management
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8.9.22  |  Infographic

Building a Resilience Plan to Combat Burnout

Burnout happens when stress becomes too intense and ever-present. Avoiding burnout is a matter of stress management or “resilience.” This infographic shares what activities you can include in your resilience plan to help manage stress and avoid burnout.

8.4.22  |  Case Study

What is a Peer Coach?

Youturn Health Peer Coaches provide non-clinical support to help engage, educate, and support people and their families through issues around mental health, substance misuse, grief, and suicidal ideation. Learn more about how Peer Coaching works.

7.18.22  |  Infographic

The Impact of Peer Coaching on Stress Reduction

More than 75% of adults have symptoms of stress like headaches and trouble sleeping. Workplace stress costs employers every year in absenteeism, lost productivity, turnover, and medical costs. This infographic shares how Youturn Health’s Stress Management Peer Coaching program works and shares proven results that show it works.

6.23.22  |  Podcast

Stigma keeps police officers from seeking support

Former police officer Sheila Goode discusses the need for support for first responder mental health, what it's like behind the scenes , and what would really help first responders get the mental health support they deserve.

1.12.22  |  Podcast

Veterans suffering with PTS get a helping hand from this Dynamic Duo

Tom Satterly is a retired CSM Delta Force and Jen Satterly was previously embedded in Realistic Training Missions with Special Operations units as Director of Film and Photography. Their mission is to help Veterans returning home but more importantly, they know that helping the family members of returning veterans is a huge piece of the puzzle to recovering from PTS, depression, substance misuse, and more.


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