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8.26.22  |  Infographic

Youturn Health Helps Patients Stay Engaged in Recovery

Change is a process, not an event. Research shows that if people engage in treatment and recovery, they will get better. Find out how Youturn Health collaborates with treatment centers to help patients stay engaged in recovery.

8.11.22  |  Infographic

The 5 Stages of Burnout at Work

You don’t get burned out from work on Day 1. It happens after stress becomes a chronic problem. Check out this graphic to learn the 5 Stages of Burnout at Work so you can identify when you, co-workers, or employees are in danger of being burned out.

8.9.22  |  Infographic

Building a Resilience Plan to Combat Burnout

Burnout happens when stress becomes too intense and ever-present. Avoiding burnout is a matter of stress management or “resilience.” This infographic shares what activities you can include in your resilience plan to help manage stress and avoid burnout.

7.20.22  |  Infographic

Pre-Care, Family-Care, and After-Care with Youturn Health

We understand the unique challenges of recovery. We don't compete treatment centers, we work with your lead nurture programs to offer support and guidance to patients considering treatment and their families.

7.18.22  |  Infographic

The Impact of Peer Coaching on Stress Reduction

More than 75% of adults have symptoms of stress like headaches and trouble sleeping. Workplace stress costs employers every year in absenteeism, lost productivity, turnover, and medical costs. This infographic shares how Youturn Health’s Stress Management Peer Coaching program works and shares proven results that show it works.


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