Youturn Health

Mental Health Training Courses for Construction

Youturn Health’s Construction training courses provide the information organizations need to know to communicate more clearly around behavioral health and how to approach a colleague from a place of caring to discuss challenges around mental health, substance use, and suicide. Courses include:

  • Mental Health Communication 101 (37 minutes): Identify factors that influence mental health in the construction industry and get expert advice to build consistent, effective messaging about available support.
  • Recovery First Aid (46 minutes): Get a baseline understanding of the disease of addiction and step through role play examples of talking to employees who may be struggling or who may have a family member struggling with substance use.
  • Suicide Prevention (41 minutes): Learn risk factors and potential warning signs that someone may be struggling with suicidal thoughts and debunk common myths about suicide. Watch a role play of a manager talking to an employee about their mental health to get tips on how to have a productive conversation and offer support.
  • Approaching Employees (27 minutes): Learn why building relationships is critical to having impactful conversations around behavioral health and get real-world advice for approaching a colleague to offer support and resources.
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