New Course on Grief + BIPOC Mental Health Month

Featured Blog

BIPOC mental healthMental health stigma is a real thing, and it affects many people. But for those within BIPOC communities, stigma can be even more profound. Cultural norms and misconceptions can create significant hurdles when it comes to seeking and receiving mental health support. In our newest blog post, Dejr Bostick delves into the heart of the matter, aiming to dismantle stigma and promote mental health within BIPOC communities.



New Course: Grief

GriefWe know that navigating grief is challenging, and we want to help you through it. Our new course on grief will give you the tools and resources you need to understand major types of grief and how to cope. You’ll gain expert advice on how to process your emotions and support yourself, as well as tips for supporting others in their journey. (Please log in to watch.)



Balancing Work, Motherhood, and Recovery

motherhood and recoveryMiranda Hobson, a peer recovery coach at Youturn Health, gives her perspective on balancing work, motherhood, and recovery. As someone dedicated to supporting individuals facing substance misuse and stress, Miranda shares her expertise and personal experiences in finding balance in these crucial aspects of life.

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Overcoming a 22-Year Opioid Addiction

You Learn You TurnIf you’re seeking a deeper understanding of the realities surrounding opioid addiction, this episode is an absolute must-listen. John Watson’s compelling story will unveil the hidden truths, raise awareness, and ignite a spark of inspiration. Recovery is possible for everyone.


Need help?

Youturn Health Peer Coaches can help with stress management, substance misuse, addiction and recovery, and much more.

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