It’s no secret that the pandemic has brought abrupt changes to our lives. Before COVID, many Americans had routines, like daily commutes and picking children up from school. This part of daily life has come to a screeching halt and unfortunately alcohol consumption has become a more common daily occurence.

Increase in Alcohol Consumption

The changes that we have faced due to the pandemic have played a significant role in increasing alcohol consumption. A recent study shows that Americans drastically increased their alcohol intake to cope with stress, boredom, and other mental health symptoms. However, as we adjust to the new normal, some are looking to curb drinking or quit altogether. Recovery resources such as Heritage CARES  combat the entire spectrum of alcoholism and teach education on stress management, substance misuse, and suicidal ideation. In addition, peer coaches offer a personable and manageable approach to lifestyle changes.

While some moderate drinkers have become self-aware of their increase in alcohol consumption, they wouldn’t see themselves as having a severe drinking problem. Many still maintain daily tasks such as work, school, and other necessities. Peer coaching provides support wherever they are on the spectrum, and mobile devices offer the flexibility of speaking with their peer coach around their schedules. Moderate drinkers may not consume alcohol to the point of passing out or job loss, but speaking with a peer coach before these events can help decrease chances of dependency.

Peer Coaching Support

Heritage CARES understands that fear and shame are two known barriers to seeking treatment. Moderate drinkers can speak to their peer coaches within the privacy of their homes and receive convenient and discreet support. Because digital peer coaching offers the power to choose comfortable, private locations for support, moderate drinkers can get the help they need without fear of stigma or judgment.

No matter where participants fall on the spectrum of alcohol consumption, there are resources to help. Peer coaches can help participants work on limiting the desire to drink and promote recovery and increased mental health. Heritage CARES peer coaches are specially trained in Assertive Community Engagement (ACE) principles by the nation’s leading recovery support experts. Additionally, they are all state-certified and NAADAC credentialed. They are available 24/7/365 to support anyone interested in any level of recovery. Learn more about how we can help with your journey at